Possible 4-Day Student Contact Week Benefits and Challenges

As we consider this significant shift in our educational approach, it's crucial to navigate through the myriad of benefits and challenges such a change entails. This initiative aims not only to enhance the quality of education but also to address the well-being and work-life balance of our students and staff. Here, we will delve into the potential impacts of a shortened contact week, examining everything from academic performance and student engagement to logistical considerations and community feedback. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive overview that supports an informed and collaborative decision-making process. Join us as we explore the possibilities, backed by research, insights, and the shared experiences of other districts that have embarked on this journey.

Possible Benefits

Possible Challenges

Supplemental Food & FCRC: Ability to provide family supports later into the afternoon would help some families

Backpack program through Idaho Foodbank would change distribution day to Thursday. The backpacks would need additional food for the weekend.

 MV & Foster Care: Possible savings on transportation costs for McKinney-Vento and foster care families.

Providing services to families may be more difficult on Friday (depending on staff schedules)

Migrant Ed: Recruiting can be scheduled later into the afternoon/evening. 

Students that need tutoring would have less after school time to schedule tutoring. 

Possible Benefits

Possible Challenges

Allows for Travel Time:  Staff and students have a travel time that does not take them out of class to attend events.

Potential for fewer actual practice sessions on some weeks.

Hosting Events:  Longer tournaments and state events are less likely to overlap with instruction and other facility usage needs.  Additionally, hosting such events may be easier with more staff.


Fall/Winter/Spring:  Trimester athletics and some activities align well with the trimester schedule and a proposed 6th hour course that could be offered for elective credit alleviates the need for later practices.  

Three season athletes and activity students may feel like they are losing one elective option, going from 16-15 per year. 

Additional Practice Time:  Athletes and performers in need of additional practice time could use Friday (None student day) for targeted supports.


Possible Benefits

Possible Challenges

Instructional Time

Longer school days can allow for more in-depth exploration of subjects.

Opportunities for hands-on, creative and varied lesson planning.

Reduced time for additional learning activities and projects.

Adjusting to new schedules and potentially increased preparation time.

Professional Development

Cost savings for PD substitutes on school days

Additional days for teacher training and collaboration with PLTs to focus on student achievement. 

Reduced need to pull teachers for PD during student contact time. 

Time for HRS planning 

Time for data analysis and time to plan a response

Availability of trainers on PD days. 


Teachers may have more time to gain proficiency with their curriculum. 

More time to collaborate with their team on implementing curriculum for better student understanding. 

The misconception that there is a difficulty fitting the entire curriculum into fewer days.

Adjusting course overview documents. However, these may need adjusted based on new high school schedule anyway. 

English Language Supports

Longer student days would allow for longer periods of co-teaching between classroom teachers and EL Specialists

Less student contact days to complete required screeners and annual language assessments


Possible Benefits

Possible Challenges

Family Impact

Family time

Student mental health

Childcare costs

Student mental health


Less days off due to Monday Holidays  

Targeted intervention & Meetings on 5th day

Larger block for PLC/PD for Staff

Service minutes don't change 

Longer school days

Basic needs (meal schedules)

Testing/paperwork vs. Instructional Time

60-day timeline

Student Support

Longer scheduled time during day

Prioritize student actual needs

Time for outside appointments 

Less days of contact time



Staff mental health

Staff time with family

Opportunity to contract with other entities


Contracted & Related Services

Contracted- pick up additional outside services

Related Services- Opportunity to contract w/other districts

Retention of Contracted Staff

Less contract time to complete paperwork


Possible Benefits

Possible Challenges


Fewer employees leaving for other districts

Turnover has decreased

Staff morale is very positive



Receive more applications

Quality candidates applying



Thursdays have not become the new "Friday"

Staff are utilizing Fridays for appointments 

Still have high absenteeism on Mondays

Continue to see more leave taken in October and April


Like the flexibility of subbing in other districts on Friday

Possible increase in sub pay


Classified adding PD days


Less hours, increase hourly rate


Available for all employees at 30 hours



Possible Benefits

Possible Challenges


Could now have the capability to undertake projects in-house, like wiring installation, that we would typically outsource.

Managing a two-shift schedule to ensure that staff are available for the longer daily hours


Time to complete projects and maintenance when students are not in the building

Accommodating two shifts to maintain an open Friday for projects when students are not on campus.


Possible, increase in sales with two lunches at the secondary. 

Loss of revenue. 

Staffing might be more challenging on a four-day work week. 

Loss of staffing due to reduction of income from sales.