Contracts with Employees
- Administrator 2015-16.pdf
- Teacher Category 3 2015-16.pdf
- State - Migrant Education Grants - Exp. 2016-6-31
- Teacher Retired 2015-16.pdf
- Retired Administrator 2015-16.pdf
- Teacher Category 1 2015-16.pdf
- Teach For America 2015-16
- Superintendent 2014-15.pdf
- Teacher Category 2 2015-16.pdf
- Teacher Renewable 2015-16.pdf
- Jackie Miller- State Dpt Ed.pdf
Contracts with Vendors
- Centerpointe 2013-2016.pdf
- Brown Bus extension 2015-2020.pdf
- Guide K12 Agreement.pdf
- Nampa High Coke Sponsorship 2015-2020.pdf
- Nampa Executed Hybrid contract - Lincolnshire.pdf
- Gym Outfitter - Nampa High.pdf
- GROW vending.pdf
- Fishers copier rental.pdf
- Interstate Studio - Lone Star 2016-18.pdf
- Rowley farm lease.pdf
- Coeur d_Com Contract 1 2015-16.pdf
- New Hope Contract 2015-16.pdf
- West - Dorian 2015-2017.pdf
- Optix Contract 1 2015-16.pdf
- Fishers - Final lease docs- Copy Center.pdf
- Sherman Dorian 2015-2018.pdf
- CA.pdf
- West yearbook purchase.pdf
- Nampa ID School District K12 Insights.pdf
- SharpSchool 2015-2017.pdf
- Houghton Mifflin Professional Services Contract
- Skyview Coke 2011-2016.pdf
- Orion Contract 2 2015-16.pdf
- Valley Office Printer Contract.pdf
- Miller Land Lease #1
- Rock Church Lease -2015-2017
- Orion Contract 1 2015-16.pdf
- Syringa Contract 1 2015-16.pdf
- Orion Contract 3 2015-16.pdf
- Miller Land Lease #2
- GCA Agreement with amendment.pdf
- Columbia Coke 2011-2016.pdf
- Dorian contract - Greenhurst 2015-2017.doc
- NSD SRO contract 2015-16
- GCA - Amend Price Adjustment - Union
- Dorian contract - Early Childhood Learning 2015 - 2017.doc
- Dorian contract - Park Ridge 2015-2017.pdf
- OTIS Elevator - 2012-2018.pdf
- Phillips Driving School FY 2016
- WC -Dorian Studio 3 yr Contract 16-17-18.pdf
- Columbia Wal-Mart consent.pdf
- CHATTERBOX 2015 2016.pdf
- Columbia Dorian Contract 2016-2019.pdf
- Columbia Belfor Contract 2014-2016.pdf
- Dahlstrom, Katey signed.pdf
- Anderson, Sarah SLP signed.pdf
- ATS Inland 2015-2018.pdf
- LUNSTRUM, Amy signed.pdf
- Nampa Photography Contract 2015-2017.pdf
- FDR Dorian Contract 2015-2016.pdf
- Central Dorian 2016-2018.pdf
- Contract- Nampa Civic Center- Band Concerts.pdf
- Dorian contracts EVMS 2015-19.pdf
- FDR Dorian Contract 16-17.pdf
- O & M 2015.pdf
- MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE OR EM&T signed 2015 2016.pdf
- Thought Exchange 2016-2018
- Dell Consulting
- School Space.pdf
- K12 Insights
- Peppershock Branding Contract
- Sherman copier contract 2016-2021
- Nampa Graduations Contract 2016.pdf
- Phillips Revised Contract
- Lake Ridge Parker photo.pdf
Monthly Financial Reports
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