NSD School-Based Health Services

Health Services
Idaho Code 33-6001
(5) At the start of the school year, each public school shall notify parents and legal guardians of health services offered or made available through the school or by private organizations, including preventative health and wellness services, screenings, medication administration, first aid and emergency care, and appropriate management of all health conditions with parental consent. Parental consent to any health or wellness service does not waive parents' or legal guardians' right to access their children's educational or associated health records or to be notified about their children's health status or monitoring as provided in this section. 




Sick student visits: verbal and non-invasive physical assessment

Injury assessment, both urgent and non-urgent, including basic wound care, first aide, etc.

Emergency incident response including verbal and physical assessment, medication administration (generic epi pen, Narcan or student specific medication), first aide, CPR, EMS calls

Head bump assessment for reported head injury

Substance use assessment for substance use concerns (health related, not punitive)

Immunization compliance tracking, notification and education

Student specific medication administration with parent/doctor consent, proper paperwork, etc.

OTC medication admin w/ parent consent on Health Survey for Secondary, Verbal consent for Elementary.

Health plan development for students with IEP/504 health needs

Conducting nursing tasks specified in 504 or IEP, or short-term care plan developed with parent (tube feed, cath, suctioning, toileting, etc.)


Delta Dental sealant and cavity screening, parent opt-in

Vision screening, on an as-needed basis for Secondary, Vision screening all Kinder, all 3rd grade. and on as as-needed basis for other grades in Elementary. 

Education to students regarding general health maintenance (hydration, sleep hygiene, nutrition, etc.), during the course of sick/injury student health office visits

Basic Puberty discussion, "Growing up" for 5th grade, parents op-in.

SWDH Dental team for Elementary Kinder. Parents op-in

St. Lukes Mobile Bus for health visits, Parents op-in

St. Lukes Flu vaccine clincs for students, Parents op-in 

SLPs test all incoming kinder students for hearing.  Any other hearing assessment/screening are done with parent consent




St. Luke's Bus- Dr. Womack

ECMHC (Early Childhood Mental Health Consulting) - Indirect service: supporting staff/teachers

Resiliency Advocate - WICAP





St. Luke’s Mobile Van

Idaho Food Bank Food Packs 

Girl Scouts  

Resiliency Advocate/WICAP: Project Launch

Dental fluoride teeth cleaning

Onsite therapist for (students - during school hours after school hours)

Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant (primary works with staff)



St. Luke’s mobile van provides basic medical services to families in need

Food packs from the Idaho Food Bank are distributed weekly to families in need

The Girl Scouts conduct a weekly group with girls in 4th-5th grade. The group is focused on building resiliency and strengthening self-esteem

The purpose of the Resiliency Advocate is to provide community resources and support to families that have children ages 0-8. RA’s are able to connect parents/guardians to various resources; mental health, food assistance, housing, vouchers for clothing, etc.






Opera Idaho

Boise Philharmonic

Scholastic Book Fair



Opera Idaho

Boise Philharmonic

Scholastic Book Fair

Students from NNU


Opera Idaho provides an assembly every year

Boise Philharmonic provides an assembly every year

Scholastic book fair that students/families can purchase books

Mentoring is designed to build relationships with students






Positive Actions

Girls on the Run

Various assemblies including the opera, Spanish dancers, Volunteers for Career Week

Dads on Duty

Resiliency Advocate


Lifespan Idaho

Girls on the Run

Various assemblies through the community

Various professionals from the community for career week

Dad’s on Duty

Resiliency Advocate: WICAP/Project Launch


Positive Actions is designed to improve healthy development. The underlying philosophy is that when we feel good, we do good things. Students are taught that thoughts lead to actions and those actions promote a healthy and positive lifestyle.

Girls on the Run has fun, evidence-based programs that inspire all girls to build their confidence, kindness and decision-making skills. Dynamic lessons instill valuable life skills including the important connection between physical and emotional health.

Dad’s on Duty: To provide a positive male presence in the local schools that will assist teachers and administrators with the student population. Goal- To help teachers and staff by being a support system for kids.

The purpose of the Resiliency Advocate is to provide community resources and support to families that have children ages 0-8. RA’s are able to connect parents/guardians to various resources; mental health, food assistance, housing, vouchers for clothing, etc.






Resiliency Advocate

St. Luke’s clinician


Boise Philharmonic

Wagon’s Ho!

Resiliency Advocate through Project Launch (WICAP)

Food backpack program

Mentoring Network


Resiliency Advocate: WICAP grant/Project Launch

St. Luke’s

Opera Idaho

Boise Philharmonic

Wagon’s Ho!


The purpose of the Resiliency Advocate is to provide community resources and support to families that have children ages 0-8. RA’s are able to connect parents/guardians to various resources; mental health, food assistance, housing, vouchers for clothing, etc.

The clinician from St. Luke’s will be providing therapeutic counseling services for students in grades k-5.

Opera Idaho performs for students

Boise Philharmonic performs for students

Wagon’s Ho is designed to provide 4th grade students a hands-on history of life on the trail

The Mentoring Network provides trained adult mentors to students at-risk






Positive Actions


Positive Actions


Positive Actions is designed to improve healthy development. The underlying philosophy is that when we feel good, we do good things. Students are taught that thoughts lead to actions and those actions promote a healthy and positive lifestyle.





Resiliency Advocate

St. Luke’s Clinician

Weekly Food Packs 



Resiliency Advocate: WICAP grant/Project Launch


St. Luke’s

Idaho Food Bank

The Mentoring Network


The purpose of the Resiliency Advocate is to provide community resources and support to families that have children ages 0-8. RA’s are able to connect parents/guardians to various resources; mental health, food assistance, housing, vouchers for clothing, etc.

The clinician from St. Luke’s will be providing therapeutic counseling services for students in grades k-5.

Food packs from the Idaho Food Bank are distributed weekly to families in need 

The Mentoring Network provides trained adult mentors to students at-risk





Lake Ridge



Insight Counseling 


The clinician from Insight Counseling will be providing therapeutic counseling services for students in grades k-5





Personal Safety


Personal Safety and Sexual Abuse Prevention: C.A.R.E.S. Program 


Kids On the Block personal safety and sexual abuse prevention presentation by C.A.R.E.S. unit at St. Luke's (opt-in form sent home; parents invited to attend and/or view script ahead of time)




Park Ridge



The Mentoring Network


The Mentoring Network provides trained adult mentors to students at-risk 


Summer school program that offers students continued work on social, emotional accountability

Resources for families as needed provided by social worker


Resource Pantry

Student/family therapy through ACTS

Mobile health clinic through St. Luke’s 

After school program through YMCA

Positive Actions

Willow Creek

Personal Safety Lessons (counselor delivered & opt-in form sent home)

Kids On the Block personal safety and sexual abuse prevention presentation by C.A.R.E.S. unit at St. Luke's (opt-in form sent home; parents invited to attend and/or view script ahead of time)

Puberty 5th Grade (opt-in)


Resiliency Advocate -The purpose of the Resiliency Advocate is to provide community resources and support to families that have children ages 0-8. RA’s are able to connect parents/guardians to various resources; mental health, food assistance, housing, vouchers for clothing, etc. 

St. Luke's Mobile Clinic - St. Luke’s mobile van provides basic medical services to families in need

Mentoring Network - The Mentoring Network provides trained adult mentors to students at-risk

Snake River

Resiliency Advocate -The purpose of the Resiliency Advocate is to provide community resources and support to families that have children ages 0-8. RA’s are able to connect parents/guardians to various resources; mental health, food assistance, housing, vouchers for clothing, etc. 

St. Luke's Mobile Clinic - St. Luke’s mobile van provides basic medical services to families in need

Mentoring Network - The Mentoring Network provides trained adult mentors to students at-risk

Go Team Therapy Dogs - We bring elite therapy dogs to provide comfort in a crisis, a hospital, an airport, a nursing home — anywhere people could use love from a four-legged friend.




East Valley

Lunch & Learn


Towards No Drugs

Holiday Food Baskets/Vouchers

Clinicians/School Counseling Interns

Mental health counselor providing services on campus with parent approval - partnership with NNU

TND (Towards No Drugs) - Partnership with NNU


Various professionals from the community

NNU & Community Crossroads Church

Families Etc.

Community Crossroads Church

Various universities/colleges/clinical agencies


Lunch & learn provides opportunities for community speakers to come to the school and talk about their careers and education with students.

Mentoring is designed to build relationships with students

 Towards No Drugs grant offers preventative courses and lessons for students related to substance prevention use as well as building communication skills and self-confidence skills.  They offer 12-15 lessons that have been approved through the TND grant and curriculum.

Holiday food baskets/vouchers provide holiday meals to families in need

Clinicians and interns provide mental health and school counseling services





Union School

St. Luke’s Mobile Van

Jesse Tangen Counseling Services


Delta Dental


St. Luke’s

Jesse Tangen


Delta Dental


St. Luke’s mobile van provides basic medical services to families in need

Jesse Tangen provides counseling services to students on campus

WICAP provides assistance to families in need and connects them to community resources

Delta Dental provides basic dental services to students



Summer school program that offers students continued work on social, emotional accountability

Resources for families as needed provided by social worker


Lone Star

Mentoring through the Mentoring Network

Centerpointe 1:1 support

Outside counseling services (Tidwell)

3rd Millennium supports / tobacco cessation courses

Delta Dental - student teeth cleaning and treatment 



Grief support 

Dawg shop (student store related to PBI)


Insight Counseling and Therapy




Union School

St. Luke’s Mobile Van

Jesse Tangen Counseling Services


Delta Dental


St. Luke’s

Jesse Tangen


Delta Dental


Lunch & learn provides opportunities for community speakers to come to the school and talk about their careers and education with students.

Mentoring is designed to build relationships with students

 Towards No Drugs grant offers preventative courses and lessons for students related to substance prevention use as well as building communication skills and self-confidence skills.  They offer 12-15 lessons that have been approved through the TND grant and curriculum.

Holiday food baskets/vouchers provide holiday meals to families in need

Clinicians and interns provide mental health and school counseling services





Nampa High School 

Vocational Rehabilitation


Therapy Dogs



St Luke’s

Military Recruiting

Sources of Strength

Youth Court

Pantry and closet for student needs


Voc Rehab

Mentoring Network


Therapy Dogs-GO Team



St Lukes Mobile Clinic-Dr. Womack

Military Recruiters at lunch


Voc Rehab helps students with disabilities find employment

The Mentoring Network provides trained adult mentors to students at-risk

TRIO is a federal program designed to provide educational outreach to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds

Therapy dogs provide joy and comfort to those in need

Juntos is a program to help Latino/x students achieve high school graduation and post-secondary education

St. Luke’s mobile van provides basic medical services to families in need

Various military recruiters connect with students that are interested in military


Columbia High School 

Tobacco Cessation -- class to support students with smoking/vaping tickets

Kathleen Weathers -- counseling

3rd Millennium Classrooms -- classes to support behavior

Vocational Rehabilitation -- partnership to support students with disabilities

Resource Room -- supplies, food, clothing to support students/families in need

Skyview High School 

Higher Ed Day during 2nd semester through The Idaho Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers


Military requests through the career center

College/career center has college reps come to the career center

College reps and TRIO help us guide seniors through College App Week.

A TRIO rep is here each week, and makes contact with students/parents 

TRIO and/or college reps assist with a yearly FAFSA completion workshop.

Nampa Academy/RISE Program 

Drug and alcohol prevention for students

Family crisis support resources for food, rent, utilities, transportation, and medical/medications

Career counseling and Vocational rehabilitation support 

Outside agency collaboration such as Juvenile Probation 

iCat/Skyview High School

Dental Clinic

Volunteer Foster grandparent program to support elementary classrooms (K-4) and students. Foster grandparents join the classes and support students in reading and math.   

School social worker to connect families to community resources when needed.


(McKinney Vento, Migrant Education Program, 21st Century, Community Schools)

Social groups

Academic support/tutoring

Family engagement activities

Food bank distribution location

Diaper bank distribution location

Clothing and shoes

Referrals to community organizations for healthcare, mental health, dental, housing, and financial assistance

After school programming