2022 Replacement Levy
For information regarding the Nampa School District Replacement Levy on November 7, 2023 please visit:
On March 8, 2022, patrons of the Nampa School District will have the opportunity to vote on an $8 million supplemental levy to support students and teachers.
This levy will be in effect for two years and will replace our current levy that expires on June 30 of this year. The levy needs a simple majority to pass.
Funds will be allocated as follows:
How Levy Funding Will be Used
How will the Proposed Levy Affect Your Property Tax Bill?
The district collects a fixed property tax value each year. As more homes are built and existing home values increase, the individual tax burden goes down. The average home value in Canyon County is now about $380,000. Let's say that home's value is expected to increase about 20% in the coming year. Here's what that could look like.

To determine how this lower tax rate will affect your individual property taxes, visit https://nampa.school/calc. (If it doesn't work right away, try using another device.)
How Can You Register to Vote Absentee?
Can’t make it to the polls on March 8? You can vote absentee by completing and signing an absentee ballot request and submitting it to the Elections Office before 5 p.m. on February 25, 2022. These requests may be mailed, scanned and emailed, or delivered to the Canyon County Elections Office at 1102 E Chicago, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Or request a ballot online at https://voteidaho.gov
Find more election information at https://www.canyonco.org/elected-officials/clerk/elections.