English Learners Services


Our Mission

Our purpose is to advocate for and educate students in pursuit of English language acquisition through an equitable environment that supports all cultures and languages. 

What we do
Nampa schools are home to one of the state’s largest student populations of non-English speakers. Currently our district serves over 1,900 English language learners under Federal Program: Title III-A.
The state and federal government provide this funding to assist our district in ensuring English Learner (EL) students gain English fluency and also master the same academic standards expected of all students. Funding is used for specially trained teachers, assistants, and for training and materials to assist in meeting the needs of EL (English Learner) students.
Language Support Models
Our district provides a variety of language support models to support EL students as they learn English. The language support models depend on the school the child attends and his or her level of knowledge and skills.
Types of models for English Language instruction:
  • Co-Teaching for Language Instruction
  • Spanish Dual Language Immersion (New Horizons Magnet School Only)
  • Content Classes with integrated language support.
  • At the secondary level English as a Second Language (ESL) Class, and Academic Support Class are also offered as standalone courses.
The language model is determined by student needs at each school in conjunction with the Federal Programs Director, EL Coordinator, and other district staff and is designed to ensure that all ELs receive appropriate services regardless of their age, native language proficiency, or formal education background.. This allows teachers to provide support and growth in oral language development, social/emotional development, and overall academic English mastery in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for students identified as English Language Learners. 
EL Program Goals
  • to offer everyday learning, in every classroom, for every child
  • to develop proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible 
  • to utilize best practice strategies allowing English Language Learners to access academic content
  • to implement WIDA enhanced state standards
  • to improve overall mastery of skills
  • to provide enhanced options for listening and speaking development with peer-to-peer interactions 
  • to teach strategies for building deeper conceptual meaning and purpose of everyday learning
Our EL Program is overseen by:
Alejandra Howell
EL Coordinator
Elementary EL Coach
Phone - (208) 468-4601, ext. 1023
Patricia Hines
EL Coordinator
Secondary EL Coach
Phone - (208) 468-4601, ext. 1155
Niall Trimble
Federal Programs Director
Phone - (208) 468-4601, ext. 1064
If you have further questions or want more information on how we serve our English Learner students, please don't hesitate to contact us!