Idaho Standard Achievement Tests (ISATs)
The Idaho Standard Achievement Tests (ISATs) are an important part of our assessment program for students in grades 3-8 and 11th grade. The ISATs include assessments in English language arts/literacy and math, which are administered in the spring semester. Additionally, students in grades 5, 8, and 11 take the ISAT science assessment. We also offer an Idaho Alternate Assessment for ISAT known as IDAA for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The IDAA for ELA and Math are administered to students in grades 3-8 and 10th grades and the IDAA science is administered in grades 5, 8, and 11.
The estimated testing times for completing both the computer adaptive test and performance task assessments in math and ELA vary by grade band and content taking between two hours and thirty minutes to four hours depending on the student. Science assessments range from one hour to one hour fifty minutes.
After the testing period, parents can expect to receive access to their child's ISAT results just before the end of the school year or shortly after. These results are shared securely through electronic access and provide valuable information about each student's academic progress and areas of strength and weakness, which can help inform instruction and support student learning.
To learn more about the ISAT ELA, ISAT Math, ISAT Science, and IDAA, please visit the following link: